Paper Perfect: Asphalt Paper for Flooring Stability

Discover the benefits of using asphalt paper for flooring to enhance stability and protect your floors.

Asphalt Paper for Flooring

Enhanced Stability

Asphalt paper, also known as roofing felt or tar paper, is commonly used as an underlayment beneath flooring materials such as hardwood, laminate, and engineered wood. Its primary function is to provide an extra layer of stability and support to the flooring above, helping to minimize movement and reduce the risk of damage over time.

Moisture Protection

One of the key advantages of asphalt paper is its ability to act as a moisture barrier. By preventing moisture from seeping through the subfloor, asphalt paper helps protect the flooring above from potential water damage, warping, and mold growth. This is especially important in areas prone to high humidity or moisture, such as basements and bathrooms.


Prevents Floor Squeaks

One common issue with flooring installations is the occurrence of floor squeaks caused by movement between the subfloor and the flooring material. Asphalt paper helps minimize this problem by providing a stable and uniform surface for the flooring to rest on, reducing the likelihood of friction and movement that can lead to squeaks.

Supports Heavy Loads

In areas where heavy furniture or equipment will be placed, such as kitchens or commercial spaces, asphalt paper helps distribute weight evenly across the floor, preventing indentations and sagging. This additional support contributes to the long-term stability and durability of the flooring.

Floor Protection

Reduces Impact Damage

In addition to enhancing stability, asphalt paper also provides a layer of protection against impact damage. By absorbing the shock of foot traffic and other impacts, asphalt paper helps preserve the integrity of the flooring above, reducing the risk of dents, scratches, and other forms of wear and tear.

Improves Sound Insulation

Another benefit of asphalt paper is its ability to improve sound insulation between floors. By adding an extra layer of material between the subfloor and the flooring above, asphalt paper helps dampen sound transmission, creating a quieter and more comfortable living or working environment.


In conclusion, asphalt paper for flooring offers multiple benefits, including enhanced stability, moisture protection, and floor protection. By incorporating asphalt paper into your flooring installation, you can ensure a stable and long-lasting floor that withstands the test of time.

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